Thursday, March 6, 2014

Becoming the Woman God Designed You to Be*

..lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.” Ephesians 22-24
  1. Are you a Sunday woman every day?
  2. Are you shaped by who the World tells you to be, or shaped by who God tells you in His Holy Word?
  3. Do you have any one in your life who has the ability to make you feel bad or good about yourself?
  4. What are some influences that affect how we see ourselves?
  1. What influences can affect our relationships?
  2. How can we resist the influences of the World and surrender our time and money to God?
  1. How well do you know you?
  2. Ask God what He has planned for your life/your day…do this every day because He has created each day as a new beginning to fulfill the wonderful things He has in store for you. We all are a work in progress.
  3. Invest in yourself…spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically so you can be the best you can be to serve God the way He wants you to serve Him.
  4. Invest in others…learn to relate to others, be open with them about your faith but in a humble way so as not to push them away. As you learn more about who God designed you to be, you will be better equipped to relate to others in the way God wired you to be the most effective.
  5. Replace lies you have believed about yourself with the truths only found in scripture.
  6. When having a conversation, ask yourself if the intent of what you have to say is about love and respect. Are you building up or tearing down?
Walk your talk.
Pray for others as you promised them you would.
Be positive and add value to every conversation you have.
Don’t hesitate when God is calling you to do something.
Communicate better by expanding your vocabulary.
Stop complaining.
Trust in God’s plans instead of relying on yourself.
BELIEVE what God says about you!
BE the woman God designed you to be!
Presented by:
Pat Schwieder
Contributor to Ruby Magazine

*Attached is the handout I will give to the ladies at the Women's Day of Renewal on Saturday. It has been a good reminder for myself to look for ways God designed me for His use.

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