Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dannette's Devotional: Courageous

For the first time in nearly 30 years of marriage, Andy and I were pet-less.  Our sweet Nike, who wrote my last devotional, went onto Kitty Heaven a few days after her Ruby debut.  Her immune system finally gave out following nearly 10 years of FIV (the kitty equivalent of AIDS).  Nike died on Daddy’s lap in the recliner, her favorite place to be.  How we missed her.  The kitchen seemed bare without her food and water dishes.  The house was too quiet without her congested breathing and purring.  Our nest was empty.
This lasted exactly 2 weeks.

We spent Christmas with Andy’s family and returned with more than wonderful memories, delicious cookies, and carefully selected gifts.  We had 2 new family members: Callie Anne and Dandy Lion.  Our new cats began their lives with us in the basement of their new home after a traumatic road trip from Kokomo, Indiana to Troy, Illinois caged up in cat carriers.  

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

That first day Dandy Lion huddled on a blanket under the table saw and Callie Anne hid behind plywood stacked against the wall.  Upstairs waited a different world with warmth, carpet, comfy furniture, and loving laps.  The wood shop doors were open and the stairway was lit, but our two newest family members chose to stay in the cold and dark basement.  Afraid to leave what they knew, our new cats were missing out on abundant lives in their new home.

How often do we miss out on the abundant lives that God has prepared for us because we are afraid to leave what we know and take a step of faith?  I consider all personal growth and amazing experiences I would have missed had I never taken those steps to move from Texas to Illinois for a job transfer, write a devotional, act in a drama, leave the company where I had worked for 19 years, or go on an overseas mission trip.  Still, many times I ignored God’s call, fearful of trying something new.  What all have I missed? 
As we move into the 2013, let’s all resolve to be more courageous about taking those steps of faith that take us out of the cold, dark basement to the light of the warm upstairs, toward the abundant life that God has prepared.  Happy courageous New Year!

Dannette McKellar

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