Thursday, November 10, 2011

Connect with Beth Miramonti

1)  How long have you attended Troy UMC?

Almost 10 years (wow)

2)  What drew you to this church?

A strong faith-based youth ministry where my kids could have a church family to help guide them through the teenage years.

3)  Which service do you typically attend?
9 O'clock

4)  Share one of your favorite Bible verses, and explain why this means so much to you.
Joshua 24:15b"...As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." it's my mantra

5)  Tell us about your family.

My husband Rick and I wll have been married for 15 years on Valentine's Day 2012. Together we raised my 2 kids Brandy & Jacob and Rick has two married daughters who have blessed us with 5 "Grands"

6)  When did you start creating prayer bead bracelets?  Was there a trigger that prompted you?
The prayer beads are a new project I began when struggling in my prayer life. I have always fostered an interest in symbolic meanings behind traditions and customs.  Often I find my mind wandering and jumping from one thought to the next, making concentrating on prayer a challenge. I would start a prayer in quiet meditation and before long realize my mind had jumped to next weeks dinner menu??? My husband was raised Catholic and the image of a little child holding the rosary intrigued me. (Specifically this picture of Shannon, Rick's step daughter who we lost in February of this year.)

7)  Explain the process of making the bracelets (time, beads, request, gift).
The process...for me it is it is an experience. After hours of online research, I came up with a pattern of beads and prayers I was comfortable with. I use them in stressful times to quiet my mind and focus my prayers. Upon making that first set, I wanted to share these with my Sunday School class. I put together a totally plagararized "instruction" sheet and grabbed the pony beads! My last Sunday of teaching I shared these with my girls. I have given personalized sets to friends in need and shared my set with friends in times of anxiety.  I have ocasionally spent several hours in a craft store fingering, comparing, holding different sets of beads and crosses until I felt I had the right combination. I want the bracelets to represent the individuals personality and preferences. I also like for them to be weighty enough to feel a drawing prescense without being cumbersome and the cross should fit comfortably in the hand. I love to repurpose old jewelry and restring beads that hold a famililar memory. Right now I am still searching for the right elastic or cording to use so the are durable yet flexible.

8)  What do you hope people will take away from your prayer beads?

These beads in and of themselves are nothing more than a material reminder to help focus prayers. I enjoy sharing  these with others, in hopes of encouraging a peaceful communication with God.

9)  Share a prayer with us.
One of my favorites comes from Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."

10)  How may we contact you to make a further connection? 
email  or home phone 667-3386

1 comment:

  1. Beth, I am so looking forward to my pink prayer beads.
