Friday, April 25, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Friend

Friend.  I think of the woman blessing who has listened to me despite all of the blubbering and tears, who yanked me out of bed when I was too low to remove those covers, who talks with me on the phone . . . daily, who loves my children as her own, who has created traditions with me, who remembers my ailments, who makes me laugh huge belly laughs, who encourages only, who says it like it is, who is willing to try, discover, and learn with me, who listens to me, who loves me.

Now, you try.  Please complete your Five Minute Friday:  Friend in our comments section below.


  1. visiting from five minute friday-- I totally agree. sounds like my seminary friends! (I'm a UMC pastor).

    1. Thank you for visiting our site! Let me know if you'd be interested in an interview for RUBY Magazine.

  2. Friend: I've had many friends come and go throughout my life. I cherish the friends that I do not miss a beat with, meaning that I don't see them daily, weekly or even monthly but it picks back up when I do see them. I don't always take the time to nourish my friendships like I should but I truly feel blessed for the friends in my life. I would take the time to thank all of them for always being there and my life would not be the same without them.

    1. I agree! The friends where you pick up where you've left off no matter how much time has passed . . . Awesome!

    2. Beth,
      Thank you for taking the time to share!

  3. My even though it's not Friday Friend: my bff is the most caring, kind, wise and fun person I know. She inspires me to think of others more, and never lets me down. Even though we don't get a lot of solo time, the times we do get are some of my best memories. (being the only 2 to show to a book club meeting in the Loo) Her kids are mine and mine are hers. If I get excited over something I want to tell her, if I am upset over something I want to tell her. She is the Yin to my Yang. My husband calls us Lucy ad Ethel- always into trouble and always having fun.
